International Healthcare Information

Translating a website into multiple languages is hard work; doubly so with medical information where nuance makes all the difference in both technical precision and a reader’s response to advice. But the results are well worth it!

The number of personal healthcare apps seems to be growing every day, yet it’s very hard to find any examples that have been designed for an international audience. This is particularly annoying because while healthcare is such a shared human interest, the current generation of health apps does little to support this with shared information.

We’ve built multi-language content into the core of Earlydoc and, aside from this blog, you will always have complete access to features and reference material in all the languages we support.

During beta development Earlydoc is supporting a grand total of two languages, English and Dutch, but we plan to add more over time based on the most popular languages among our users. Indeed, if you’d like for us to add a specific language, please let us know.

While using Earlydoc, you can switch languages with the language links at the top of every page. We’ve chosen English as the default language for the website – – but visiting one of the other subdomains – i.e. – will also directly set your language.

Although we’re off to good start, there are still dozens of languages we’d like to support. That said, we’re always looking to work with translators with a medical background. If that sounds like you or someone you know, we’d love to hear from you.
